Thursday, June 12, 2008

Get comfortable with the snatch grip

Thank you all for your input in designing this program. It's difficult to slow down the learning pace when I see you performing so well. But doing just that, slowing the learning, is going to work beautifully. This will give your bodies and brains time to program these movements and make them automatic. It will also allow you to continue to build supporting muscle before asking your joints to pick up the slack. And last, but definitely not least, it will allow your knees to rest from the clean and jerk and olympic squat. Next week's workout should go like this:

Getting Comfortable with the snatch grip

1. Wide grip press 10 reps (bar behind neck, press up to locked position)
2. Hang, 1/2 snatch 10 reps (lower bar along thighs to knee, bring bar quickly up along body to a locked position overhead; body fully upright in final position)
3. Hang, power snatch 10 reps (lower bar along thighs to knee, bring bar quickly up along body with a power jump to a locked elbow position overhead)
4. Overhead 1/2 squat 10 reps (elbows locked overhead in snatch position, back chest and butt position perfect, slow controlled squat above parallel)
5. Pole twist 10 reps
6. lower back stretch (clean grip - hands outside thighs narrower than snatch - lower bar to knee with perfect positioning of your core, 1/2 squat and stand back upright)

Repeat for 3 or 4 rotations; rest before doing overhead squats if fatigued - or eliminate them in your last rotations

Here is a recipe that you will be receiving with many others via email:

Grilled Chicken and Vegetables on the Barbie
Marinate 1 chicken breast (boneless, skinless) in equal parts of Lite Soy Sauce and Liquid Smoke.
Slice the following vegetables and place them on a grilling pan or broiler pan insert (spray with Pam): mushrooms, zucchini, onions, ½ tomato
On a BBQ grill, place pan with vegetables and let them cook. Place chicken on the grill and cook.
Drizzle vegetables with sauce:
2 Tbs. Dijon mustard
2 Tbs. Red Wine Vinegar
1 packet sweetener
herbs and spices as desired

Broiled Eggplant
½ c. brown rice, measure before cooking, prepare according to package directions
½ eggplant, cut length-wise and cut off ends
½ can of diced tomatoes
½ tsp. minced garlic
½ onion, chopped
1/3 c. chopped red or green pepper
1 tsp. olive oil
sea salt and pepper to taste

Sautee vegetables (except eggplant) in olive oil, salt, pepper. Add brown rice. Cut-out an oval from the eggplant. Place sautéed vege’s and rice in the oval. Place in baking dish. Cover with foil. Cook for 20 minutes at 350 degrees.


Sunshine Designed said...

Thanks for all the great recipes!

Susan said...

I love the receipe--will you do more or are you going to come out with a book? Post more!!