Monday, June 2, 2008

Practice clean & jerk

Hello! After performing last week's workouts with you, I think we should have more exposure to the clean & jerk before moving on to the snatch. As I told you on Thursday, your form and technique look very good for having learned these movements so quickly. Reinforcing those correct movements for another week will make this whole program go more smoothly for you. And in the meantime, since your body is primed from last week, repeating what you already know this week will benefit you in gaining strength, lean muscle development and fat loss. You should be somewhat comfortable with the workouts, so really focus on correct positioning and explosiveness. When I see you again, I will be very excited to see your competition-ready clean & jerk.

I am interested in knowing what I can do for you regarding weightlifting and nutrition, so either email your team leads or respond to this posting under comments. I will be "resting" (that's kind of a laugh) this week since I will be competing at Utah Summer Games this weekend - so I'll be watching the blog site to see where I can help out with your goals. How are you feeling regarding your progress? How are you feeling regarding the nutrition plan? The new style of working out? The end of the school year approaching for your kids? Planning summer vacations? Anything!! What are you all up to and how are you feeling?


Shelli said...


I get a painful knot in the middle of my back when I do the workouts. Is this normal and my back just needs to get stronger or do you think I am doing it wrong?

Also as a note, my complexion is so much better with all of the water that I am drinking.


Debbie Millet Carroll said...

Hi Shelli,

Who cares about a sore back when you have a beautiful complexion! I'm kidding you know!!

I'm not too worried about injuries at this point because we are working with very light weight in a controlled fashion. Putting your body in this new positioning is waking up muscles that didn't have a job before. They are probably rebelling and wanting you to leave them alone.

You always have to be aware that what you do to your muscles will affect the bones attached to them and the spinal column is not a bone system we want to be moving in the wrong way. However - sleep easy because this positioning of holding those back muscles tight and arching vs. rounding - will be beneficial for you in the long run. Using those muscles to pull your spine into an upright, arched position should prevent back injury or pain as you get older.

Now, that being said; I don't like the word "pain" vs. soreness and I would like to discuss this with you when I see you. Make sure you stretch well - do an arched/rounded cat stretch (remember Jane Fonda?) kneeling down on all fours and I will show you some other stretches next week. I'm glad you let me know what's going on with your body - let's get to the bottom of it. In the meantime - stretch well before and after you workout and maintain the right positioning always. Keep up the work - it will pay off! See you soon - Debbie

Sunshine Designed said...

Hey Debbie,

I hope you do well at the Summer Games, you'll have to let us know all about it. Week four has been the toughest yet. I think I was getting bored of the food. I just had to spend some time thinking about alternatives to what I had been repeatedly eating. I'm feeling better about things today as I have planned my meals ahead of time. I'm continually sore- but I think thats a good thing? What is the average of inches lost during the second and third months? I would like to shoot for a goal to encourage me along the way. Thanks for all you've done. I love the program!

Jen P.

Jeff and Rose said...

I'd like to know what other people lost during the second month as well. I also have a couple of other questions.

* So "if" we screw up and have a bite of cookie or a handful of crackers should we just continue with our next planned meal or should we count that cheater as one? It doesn't happen very often, but I would be lying if I said that I've wondered what to do afterwards. Once I had a cookie after dinner and I just skipped my protein shake before bed--??

*next question: Are we supposed to consume our meals in a certain time frame? Sometimes at work I notice that it takes me an hour to get through a protein shake (I truly have to gag them down). Should I just chug it? I'm worried that it makes a difference for your insulin levels if your meals are too spread out or close together.

I have to admit that I am very pleased with the results I am seeing so far. I get tired of chicken. It has forced me to go really outside the box with my recipes, but for the outcome I can live with it. Oh, and I was also wondering if Mary Kay and some of the other instructors were still seeing results either at the scale or inches after their 4th month?? Please respond! What is happening in the next phase?

Debbie Millet Carroll said...

Hi there!
To answer both questions - 1. You see the greatest results in the first couple weeks. By the second month, I always have tapered off dramatically in inches lost. No matter how many I have to lose. However, this is the time most people quit fighting against their body's desire to hang on to weight/fat. If you continue to eat the right foods and train hard, your body will respond. You may only lose 1/2 an inch or so each week until about week 10. (I am giving you my own anticdotal information since I have never been able to get real information about this off the internet, etc.) Everytime I commit to the 12 weeks, I see the same thing happen...big drops the first month, medium to light changes the second month and the first 2 weeks of the third - but it all adds up ladies - trust me. By the 10th week, you have dropped a few pant/dress sizes and everyone you know is wondering how you did it - and during the last 2 weeks - the fat melts away! I have a different diet plan for those last 2 weeks (that only works after you have been really disciplined for 10 weeks) that I'll give you. But in the end, it really does all come off. It really is possible. It really does happen for people. Regular, nothing special, people just like me. Hang in there - June and July will come and go no matter what you eat or weigh, so eat the right food and be trim, shapely and feel fabulous. Might as well right?!
2. We have some great recipes coming your way. I hope to get them to you by Thursday. But staying disciplined through the boring times is what will change how you handle food. This discipline will stay with you for the rest of your life. Because of these boring middle weeks, you will always know how to control what and when you eat. You can't gain this control during the first month - it only comes to those who stick to it as long as you have. Nicely done. You have earned something very valuable that no one will ever be able to take away.