Monday, June 16, 2008

Completely unrelated

I’d love to hear where you’re at physically and mentally now that we’re in the thick of the program. I am eagerly awaiting your comments/posts so we can talk. In the meantime - here’s my thought for the morning….I’ve decided mousse (as in the hair product) is overrated. I’ve tried to give it the respect it deserves over the years. Everyone is making it and everyone is using it so it must be necessary. But this morning after 40 years, I decided to take a stand and be done with mousse. I really can’t see a difference in the end result whether I go curly or straight that day – no difference. So I went mousseless this morning and I’m totally liberated. Not as liberated as when I had a pixy haircut as short as a boy’s – that, my friends, was the best. Men are totally right in keeping hair to a minimum. But since I choose to have hair these days, I stand by my decision to abandon mousse. What else can I say goodbye to? – Any advice? :)

So what if I throw out the invitation again to come train with me in my gym? Any takers on making a trip to SLC in the afternoon or evening some day this week or next and workout together? I’d love to get to know you better and workout hard.


Anonymous said...

I would like to come to your gym. It would all depend on timing for me! I will probably be in SLC Thursday night and Friday, so I would definitely come either of those times. I would love some more individual time to really learn some of this. Let me know if you choose to do a training one of those days.

Ryan said...

I'm a big fan of mousse. I use it every morning.


Anonymous said...

I love the program! I have seen great results and people are asking me what I am doing. When I tell them they are amazed I can stick to the diet so well during the week. I don't think it's too hard to do for 6 days and I take my free day very seriously! I have made this program part of my life and I think that is why I have done so well and stuck it out so long. Thank you Debbie!

I would love to train at the gym, but I have 2 kids under 6 so timing is critical. I will see what I can do and hopefully I can make it down for at least one workout!

Teresa B said...

I'm very excited about the program. I've never been able to stick with anything more than 3 day, this has been great. I'm not perfect everyday, but I'm trying and I like the results that I am seeing. When my 2 teenage boys and my husband tell me that they can see a difference and to keep going, that's my drive. Thank you!

Mary Kaye Olsen said...


I was totally thrown off by your Mousse Blog! But, by accident this morning, I did not use my mousse and my hair went better than ever!!! Weird......I think you put a subliminal message in there that totally made me leave out that part of my morning ritual! Anyway, it worked. I am NOT however throwing mine away, but it is good to know that I can live without it..... Maybe your message was to liken it to throwing away our bad food habits??? I know I feel so much better when I eat correctly and I am sure our bodies are so much better off without all of the processed, fatty, sugary foods that I was so used to putting in my body. Now I sound as NUTS as you did about the mousse!!!!!

Have a Happy Day!

Maleesa said...

I have a couple of questions. first Are you making another DVD to help us at home? The last one was a ton of help. Second. My family likes seeing my results so far how can I adapt my food plan for my family (how many grams of protien and carbs shoud a guy eat?) They are starving if they eat what I eat. thanks

Anonymous said...

could you give me better description for the next workouts?
I need for Friday, Week 4 and all of week 5