Friday, May 2, 2008

Hello Team!
Hope you don't mind me thinking of you as a team - if you've never been on one before - you are now! Welcome, welcome, welcome! I have done this program alone and with friends and it is so much more fun and effective with friends so I'm glad to be doing this with such a big group this time.

I am very impressed with your courage to not only try something new, but something hard and do it in front of peers. You are an impressive group. You need to know, coming from a real person, that strength training and feeding your body will make you beautiful...well, even more beautiful - on the outside and inside.

I not only want to help you learn this, but I'm excited about it! Weightlifting is something I have learned to really love and I absolutely enjoy sharing it. I will be keeping in close (very close) contact with your team leaders who are well prepared to answer your questions. These ladies are the real deal. They have been there and done that - and only 12 weeks ago transformed a few major parts of their lives successfully. I will be seeing you on a regular basis, posting to the PINK blog, and eagerly answering any questions you may pass along through your team leaders. This is like nothing you've ever done before and you have a constant peer group for support. Email or Blog every question at any time of day if you need advice, encouragement, or you're just excited about something and want to share it.

I live the nutrition plan and have lived it for 10 years (unless I'm celebrating a win or throwing all caution to the wind because I'm pregnant!). I am always in training for some competition, well really just because I love it. I train in Salt Lake and you have my personal invitation to come to my gym and lift with me. I might not share my olympic weightlifting coach with you, but I would love to workout with you if a group wants to come down. This is going to be a lot of fun - and when you have your bathing suit body, you won't mind at all having eaten all that spinach and's so worth it.

I look forward to hearing how your first week goes. You should get a very rough outline of the nutrition plan. It will likely be a little overwhelming. Don't despair! Keep it simple. Trust me and I'll explain everything when I see you in person. If you follow the nutrition plan, stretch, learn and practice the weightlifting basics like the squat and deadlift, you should lose about 1-2 inches this first week. I promise. Commit yourself with everything you've got. You will find an inner strength you never knew existed if you go one day at a time - perfectly. Every decision you make tomorrow will make a difference. Write out a plan for what you are going to do (food and lifting) and do every single thing exactly like you planned. No mistakes. You can do this. You have more self-discipline that you know. Forget dieting and scales and everything you've ever learned about weight loss in the past. Women are strong, amazing, beautiful people. I want to meet every one of you in the next couple of weeks. I look forward to lifting with you soon and to hearing from you on the Blog or from your leads.


P.S. Some tips I've learned...tell as many people as you can what your goals are and it will help your resolve. I find that when I tell people I'm going to squat 200 lbs. or have a six pack, or win a competition, I feel a lot of pressure to make sure I am good on my word. Let people see what you're eating - they will want to talk about it and again - it will help your resolve. And drink LOTS of water! :)

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